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WoW: Hotfixes: April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
- Three new Achievements have been added for upgrading all four of your Covenant Sanctum features to tiers 1, 2, and 3.
Items and Rewards
- Anima rewards now scale upward when you earn each new Achievement for unlocking a tier on all four of the features in your Covenant Sanctum.
Player versus Player
- Rogue
- Subtlety
- [With regional restarts] Dagger in the Dark (PvP Talent) now increases Shadowstrike damage by 5% per stack (was 10%) and affects targets within 12 yards (was 20 yards).
- Subtlety
- The captives for the “Fortunate Souls” Nazjatar quest will once again be following behind their captors.
Ejeet offers an epic shadowlands theme
If you are seeking the best shadowlands theme on the internet for your wordpress guild website then you have found it, we offer the absolute best theme for shadowlands and its on sale now. check it out.
WoW Classic Dire Maul Patch
Classic edition has launched the large version patch unleashing the dire maul instance set and all the games changes that come with this into the mix., its live now!
Just like the old days, Dire Maul’s East wing is available right off the bat to both Horde and Alliance players level 54 and above, while the North and West wings become accessible once you manage to hunt down and defeat Pusillin in the East Wing and obtain Crescent Keys. Additionally, a rogue with the right lockpicking skill, a Large Seaforium Charge explosive, and a Truesilver Skeleton Key can all be used to gain access to the full Dire Maul dungeon. Reaching King Gordok’s room to fight the big baddie will require the Gordok Inner Door Key, which you can loot off of Guard Mol’dar in the Gor’dok Commons.